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Volunteer Coordinator

We could use someone to help organize people’s schedules so that we can do cooperative ministry together.  It might mean scheduling a meeting time (like when to rake leaves together), or it might be like coordinating who is responsible to run our presentation during worship.


Recording meeting minutes

We have lots of meetings, and we always need things written down.  If you have an attention to detail, we can find something for you to help with.


Accounting / Bookkeeping

There is a lot of work that goes into all we do with our church finances.  If you can help keep track of offerings, receipts, pay bills, or work on spreadsheets, we would love to add you to our team.


Data Entry

We need to keep track of addresses, offering amounts, special event signups, etc.  If you like working with spreadsheets and databases, we could use your help.


Website Design

We need help posting advertisements for upcoming news events (like Christmas worship times, VBS, Bible studies, etc.).  Posts go onto our website at


Advertisement Design

We need content to post on our website, on Facebook, in our newsletter, etc.  We could use help designing advertisements for the various activities that we might want to invite people to come and take part in.


Newsletter Design

Every month or two we put out a church newsletter. We could use your help organizing the articles together to make something that is attractive and useful for people to read.


Painting Artwork

Whether you use a pen, pencil, brush, or computer, we can always use Christian artwork.  It might be used as the background to a hymn verse, a picture in the service bulletin, a logo for one of our ministries, or a theme for an upcoming event.


Making Banners

Zion has a banner guild that chooses which banners to put out at different times of year, and also designs their own with fabric.  A banner can be a powerful way to share a message for years to come.

Worship Presentation Design

We need help designing the presentations to guide people through worship.  We type out the spoken parts of worship and hymns, as well as include meaningful artwork to the slides.  Currently we use Google Slides or PowerPoint presentations.



Do you like taking photos?  We need you. There is always reason to photograph people and things whether we’re making an advertisement for something coming up or looking back at a job well done.  We can use photos on our worship presentations, on Facebook, or on our website to connect people with our ministry.



We can use video to be even more impactful than a picture.  If a picture says a thousand words, a video can write a book.  Videos might be used in worship, on our website, or on Facebook.  We might want to advertise an upcoming event or inform people about an ongoing ministry that they can take part in.  Even a simple video from a cell phone can be useful. We need people who are willing to put a little creativity into recording for us.


Bread Visits

Our evangelism team goes out several times a year for a couple of hours at a time.  We travel by car to find the movers who are new to our local area (mostly Steger & Crete), and we give them a loaf of bread and pass along some information about Trinity, Zion, and ILS.  People are usually very thankful we thought of them as we come by.


Printed Materials Design

We regularly print up advertisements to hand out.  Sometimes it’s an ad in the back of our worship folder.  Sometimes we want a ½ sheet flyer. Sometimes a large poster to hang somewhere.  If you like designing printed materials, we could use your help.


Facebook Advertising

We could use people to create and post advertisements to Facebook.  Many ads may be copied from somewhere else. Sometimes all we’re looking for is that added Facebook touch.  If you like to create and post content on Facebook, this is probably something you would do well at.


Simple Gospel Presentation

We need help to reach people who may be interested in hearing more about what we believe and teach before signing up for a Bible class.  We can train you to be part of a team that helps to share a simple message about Jesus with people who may have little or no understanding of the Bible.


Door to Door Canvassing

From time to time we may wish to spread advertisements via fliers on people’s doors (no knocking), other times, we may need help getting the word out about an upcoming event (for example, Easter services).  You might be asked to memorize a couple quick lines to tell someone about what’s coming up and then pass along an invitation card.


Stephen Ministries

Stephen ministers help people who are experiencing grief, divorce, job loss, chronic or terminal illness, or some other life crisis.  Ministers visit and encourage these people


Mission & Vision Development

Time is always going by so we always need to be looking to the future. If you get excited about planning and moving toward the future, we need your help. Sometimes we want to add a ministry, a class, update or build a building.  Basically this team answers the bigger questions like “what” “why” and “how” to all that we do.



Some people get a thrill out of regular offerings.  Others loving helping out with something extra for a special occasion, or to kick off a new kind of ministry.  Some also enjoy planning an estate gift for a future date. If you would like to know the areas you can give towards Zion’s ministry, or towards ministries in the WELS, we can show you the opportunities.  Or if you’re passionate about helping others to give financially, we would love your help.


Janitorial Duties

We always need to wash windows, vacuum floors, mop, and take out the trash.  If you like to do that kind of service, let us know and we can fit you in--even if it’s only once in a while to give our regulars a break.


Run Church Presentation Software

We need people to click through the slides and run videos during our worship services. It can be so simple, you can actually just hold a clicker and advance the slides without even using a computer.


Record church services on camera

We need camera operators that can help us stream video to Facebook, post to YouTube, and burn DVD videos of our services.  Ideally, we would like the camera to stay focused at the right spots throughout the service. It’s simple enough to run that there isn’t a lot you would need to learn.


Change outdoor church road sign

We need to change up our road sign out by Main Street from time to time.  We advertise our worship times, and special events coming up. It’s a pretty simple ministry, but very helpful.  We can show you how to switch the sign letters.


Building Repair & Maintenance

If you enjoy fixing things with your hands, this ministry is for you.  We have been gifted with a lot of property at Zion, and it’s our job to keep it from falling apart.  If you know a trade like electrical work, plumbing, roofing, drywall work, or something else, we could use your skills.


Lawn Care / Snow Removal

We need people to help take care of our grounds at Zion.  This ministry includes cutting grass, line trimming, fertilizing, picking up debris, etc.  There is also opportunity for snow removal in the winter time. If you like to work outside, we would love your help on this team.  A nice lawn is one of the first things people notice about who we are. That makes it an important way to serve.


Setting Up Altar for Worship

Altar guild prepares the banners and the altar for worship services.  The banners, flowers, candles, and paraments that they prepare help to make worship meaningful and special.  Preparing the elements for the Lord’s Supper help to connect people with God’s forgiveness.


Cooking & Baking

From time to time we need food for special events that we can pass around.  Most people choose to cook or bake from their own homes and then bring something to share.  If you like working in the kitchen, this is for you.


Serving food

When we have a special event with food, it’s helpful to have people set out all the necessary items like plates, napkins, juice, and all the food dishes. You don’t even need to know how to cook.


Offer Lodging

Sometimes we need temporary lodging for someone who is coming to visit on a short term basis.  Other times, we have student teachers or exchange students who need a more permanent residence.  If you like opening your home to others, this may be a good ministry for you to consider.


Offering Fellowship Activities

We love to get together, grow in friendship, and share time with each other.  This ministry helps to make that happen. It might mean organizing an activity (like board games or ball sports) or setting up tables and chairs for people to enjoy each other’s company.


Greeter for church

You could be one of our greeters when you come into church.  This ministry helps people to connect with a friendly face if they are at Zion for the first time.  You can also help direct them to know where to go (bathrooms?) and what to do (hymnal?) while they’re here with us. Your smile may be the very thing that gets someone to want to come back and see us again.


Usher for church

Users serve somewhat as greeters for people who come to visit.  They hand out bulletins, they assist people in where they might sit.  They also light the candles at the beginning of service and usher people forward for Communion.  The way it is currently organized, this is a male-only position.

Prayer group

If you like to pray, you can join our prayer warriors.  We will let you know about the people connected to our Zion family who need prayer, and you can take some time to pray for them.  This is a simple, yet powerful ministry because you call upon the Almighty to show what he can do.


Bible Class Curriculum Coordinator

From time to time we need help organizing what sort of Bible classes we’re going to put on, and what material to cover on a weekly basis.  This position doesn’t necessarily require a lot of Bible knowledge, but it does help. This coordinator would line up monthly / weekly themes, and possibly get guest speakers for special occasions.


Zion Board Member

Zion’s board is made up of the chairmen of the respective boards. If you would like to help guide the ministries of Zion on a regular basis, this is a great place to do it.  Because of the nature of the role, we ask for men only to serve in this capacity.


ILS Board Member

The Illinois Lutheran Schools board is comprised of members of both Trinity and Zion. Leaders on this board help to regularly govern the different ministries of our school system. It is also a good way to be involved and informed on the mission and vision of ILS.  Because of the leadership nature of this role, it is restricted to men only.


ILS Delegate

Our Illinois Lutheran Schools holds delegate meetings to keep a larger number of people informed and involved in the mission, vision, and plans of ILS. This board only meets a couple of times per year, and it is a larger group (up to 60) than the ILS Board.  Again, this leadership role is restricted to men only.


Shut-in Ministry

Zion has several people who would like to be in worship with us, but are physically unable to do so. This ministry helps to bridge that gap. We visit members in their homes, offer a listening ear, give a short devotion, and offer the Lord’s Supper.  We can always use more help in visiting these members more often.


Adult / Youth / Special Choirs

We have several different vocal choirs at Zion.  Depending on your skill and time, we have opportunities to suit your desire.  We do everything from a single-day choir to choirs that run year round and sing at multiple worship services.


Board of Elders’

The Zion board of elders is primarily concerned with encouraging our current members to stay connected to the Means of Grace on a regular basis.  We send cards, make phone calls, and home visits to show inactive / prospective members that we care about their spiritual well being. We let them know of opportunities we offer to stay connected to God’s Word.  And we help overcome any obstacles that might prevent someone from being a regular participant at worship. Because of the nature of this program, it is meant for men only.


Writing Articles

We are always in need of people to write thoughtful articles for us.  It might be something more devotional, or it might be a kind of news article about one of our ministries.  If you want to write it, someone will probably want to read it.


Writing Prayers / Confession & Absolution for worship

If you like to write, and you’re passionate about public worship, we could always use people to put time into what we do when we gather together as believers.  We need prayers, confessions, and God’s promises of forgiveness every week. If you would like to help with any of these, we can help train you to share in this ministry.


Instrumental Music

Do you play a musical instrument?  If so, our music team would like to find a way to use your skill in worship.  We also have teachers who can help you train up your skills, too. Just let us know what you’re interested in playing.


Teaching Sunday School

An important part of gospel ministry is teaching the children.  Almost every Sunday throughout the school year we offer Sunday school as a way to keep things interesting for the children and to teach them at their level. If you are interested in sharing God’s Word with the children, please let us know.  It would be a big help to us to even have some temporary relief for the teachers.


Sunday School Helpers

We have several children every Sunday morning for Sunday school.  We could use your help to keep them all focused and learning. Service could be one-on-one with a particular kid, or you might help teach a portion of the class for the day.  Let us know what you would like to help with.


Teaching Adult Bible Class

While most of the time our pastors teach the adult Bible class, it can be good to have alternatives even on occasion.  If you have a particular topic of interest that you would like to teach, we can fit you in for a few weeks of one of our regular adult Bible classes.


Financial Peace University Leader

This class is a nine week financial course that helps people get a well rounded financial plan for their lives. But it’s not all numbers and charts. Most of what we teach is behavioral change as the real key to winning with money. This class does also teach money management from a Christian perspective.  No need to have particular expertise in this area yourself. Our leaders show a video series that guides the students through their workbooks. And the leaders’ guide could be used well even by a newcomer. This ministry is also a way for us to reach out and help the community because many who come may not be a part of either Zion or Trinity.  Friendships begun in this class may well turn into church family later.


Teaching Teen Bible Class

If you have a heart for teen ministry, this is for you.  While the main focus of a teen Bible class is much like any other, it also offers special opportunity to talk about teen-specific applications.  This class would still walk through a book of the Bible or a series of Bible stories to help growing young adults grow up in the knowledge of their Savior.  If you would like to help teens learn, please let us know.


Prison Ministry Class

There are people with real troubles in the institutional ministries. But we get to be a shining light in a dark place.  While inmates are constantly reminded of where they are by their surroundings, we get to remind them that heaven is still their home.  If you would like to teach people God’s Word, teaching in the prison can be a very powerful encouragement to those who are there.


Vacation Bible School

We need help watching children and keeping them on task for our summer Bible school.  If you like crafts, music, sports, games, snacks, or Bible stories, this is something you could help with.  Each year is a different adventure.

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